Integration steps
- Download our plugin for Ionic Framework
- Create your ionic project
ionic start cordovaPluginApp tabs cd cordovaPluginApp
- Extract plugin into your application folder:
- Install plugin into your project:
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-attributo
- Inicialize the plugin in the onDeviceReady event. For ionic it looks like this:
import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { Platform } from "@ionic/angular"; import { SplashScreen } from "@ionic-native/splash-screen/ngx"; import { StatusBar } from "@ionic-native/status-bar/ngx"; declare var attributoPlugin: any; @Component({ selector: "app-root", templateUrl: "app.component.html", styleUrls: ["app.component.scss"] }) export class AppComponent { constructor( private platform: Platform, private splashScreen: SplashScreen, private statusBar: StatusBar ) { this.initializeApp(); } initializeApp() { this.platform.ready().then(() => { this.statusBar.styleDefault(); this.splashScreen.hide(); if ("android") ||"ios")) { const attributoDebug = false; if ("android")) { attributoPlugin.initAttributo( "YOUR_ANDROID_APPID", "YOUR_ANDROID_SECRETKEY" ); attributoPlugin.setDebugMode(attributoDebug); attributoPlugin.measureSession(); } if ("ios")) { attributoPlugin.initAttributo( "YOUR_IOS_APPID", "YOUR_IOS_SECRETKEY" ); attributoPlugin.setDebugMode(attributoDebug); attributoPlugin.measureSession(); } this.platform.resume.subscribe(async () => { attributoPlugin.measureSession(); }); } }); } }
Advertising Identifiers
To make attribution more accurate please add libraries for collectiong device identifiers:
The Apple Advertising ID is automatically collected by the plugin. It requires to include
library in your iOS project but this library is automatically added when you install the plugin
The Google Advertising ID is automatically collected by the plugin and it requires dependency
fromGoogle Play Services SDK. This library will make attribution more easy to do.
Measuring Events
for events you want to track and attribute